قائمة الاخبار

Missing children news

Missing Children Fights Human Trafficking

Oct 9, 2019
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Facebook launches official partnership with Missing Children to fight human trafficking crimes.

In an important step that marks the culmination of the efforts of  Missing Children initiative over  years in the service of humanity, reuniting families and fighting crimes of exploitation of children and missing people. Facebook has announced the launch of a long-term partnership with Missing Children initiative and its legal entity Unite Foundation to combat online human trafficking crimes within Egypt.

The partnership is part of Facebook's ongoing efforts to build global partnerships with large entities working on fighting human trafficking and achieving optimal cooperation covering all regions of the world.

The step in itself is considered a global recognition of the efforts of  Missing Children initiative, which has contributed to the rescue of many humanitarian cases inside Egypt in cooperation with the concerned and responsible entities within the country. And Missing Children initiative shows by this step that it is worthy of the trust of Egyptians as well as renowned international institutions.